Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Friend Feed.

I started an account on Friend Feed because Leo Laporte uses it and because I'm easily suggestable when it comes to trying new stuff on the internet, and because I trust Leo's opinions on computer and technology stuffs.

Friend Feed is a cool website that allows you to mash together all of your feeds...from everything: Twitter, Google Reader Shared Items, Facebook Updates/Links/Notes, pretty much any Blog, Bookmarking/Posting Websites like Delicious, Digg, Pandora, Netflix Ratings, Flickr Photo feeds etc....

You have one feed to show your friends and you can see all of their feeds in one place instead of hopping from site to site. There are really only two problems with this. One--your friends need to have accounts in order for it to be worthwhile. And two--it kind of makes me feel like I've slathered myself all over the internet...and not in a good way.

So the jury is still out....much like it is for Twitter--which I only have an account on because so many companies and celebrities are using it now--I think I am following 5 people that I actually know. Part of me just wants to delete every account I have except facebook and my blog...and email...and...damn, there's no way out is there? :)

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