Tuesday, October 18, 2011

End of Summer Recap

Well it's October, and I'm dreadfully behind on blogging...so even though it's chilly and the leaves are mostly turned, I'm going to blog about stuff that happened in August to catch up a bit and to remind us of warmer times.
In August we finally got our yard fenced in. We were on a waiting list for much of the summer...but it's been so nice to let Molly out without having to tie her up. She loves running all over and greeting the neighbor dogs and kids as they walk by. There was a bit of a fiasco the first day they were installing the fence posts though. They hit a gas line next to our neighbor's house. The lead of the fence crew excitedly told me that they would have to evacuate the neighborhood. So I stood outside with Molly on leash in case we would have to leave in a hurry. We waited for about 40 minutes until the gas company arrived (the police and fire departments were there within 10 minutes) and then were told we could go back in the house. It delayed our fence being installed by a couple of days, but nothing blew up.
More photos of our newly fenced yard (and our neighbor dogs) can be found here.
About a week later, we went to Farm Bureau's annual State Farm Day. Rob and I really enjoy getting the chance to go to the Iowa State Fair for free....but we always make up for our free admission by spending too much money on food. We may have to savor this year's experience as Rob's company was sold off from Farm Bureau to an out of state company, so they may not have State Fair day next year.
Rob thoroughly enjoyed his smoked turkey leg as usual. The rest of our photos from the 2011 Iowa State Fair can be found here.
And to end off the summer recap...a photo of our dog Molly. You can find more of her here.
Fall updates to come...during fall hopefully :).

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