Saturday, May 14, 2011


We decided to get out of the house this weekend by driving out to the Dam at Saylorville and checking out some of the campgrounds around the lake. Of course it was cold and windy and a bit drizzly, so it wasn't quite the spring day that we'd all hope for on the weekend, but we hadn't really been out to the lake aside from driving past it and we had no other pressing on we went :).

We were both surprised by the intensity of the water flowing from the dam out into the Des Moines River. So I took a video:

I posted a few pictures of the dam on my Flickr Page.

The area below the dam has been turned into a campground. After our drive around that campground, we proceeded to check out the other two Army Corp of Engineer parks on Saylorville (there's a 4th, but it doesn't open for another week). There were lots of campers bundled up in sweatshirts....some huddled next to fires wearing stocking caps. I was happy that I was just out for a drive instead of actually camping this weekend. Brr. But we'll be back ;).

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