Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rob's Tree

Last year for Rob's birthday I got him a Grow Your Own Giant Sequoia in a can. He had commented on how cool it would be to try it every time he saw it online, so I thought it would be a good gift. He was pleased when he opened it and set forth to growing his own Giant Sequoia pretty much immediately. 10 months is 3 inches tall. Part of me is petrified of the idea of trying to grow this in our yard and it taking over the entire neighborhood--the other part of me realizes that we will be long gone before it gets big enough to cause problems. What do you think? Would you want a Giant Sequoia in your backyard?


Calcul8r said...

Heh... petrified. Tree post. Do you see the irony?

Sarah Jane said...

English teachers are punny. ;)