Wednesday, October 29, 2008

13 things that bug me

1) folks who don’t use their blinkers when driving
2) getting information second hand that pertains to you
3) waking up at 4am for any reason really
4) things that are supposed to be fun that turn into stress fests
5) Christmas decorations out in stores in September
6) laundry in piles that look like they could attack you
7) the volume going up during commercials
8) reruns—we’re less than a month into the new seasons, why are we on reruns already?
9) students who don’t read instructions
10) people who believe that people are not generally good…and people who aren’t generally good
11) campaign ads
12)never being able to fit the ice cube trays in the freezer…I want ice in my drinks dang it
13) folks who stay out of the turning lane or fail to merge when a lane is closing so that they can speed ahead of everyone else taking their turn and force their way in to the line

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