Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Family Reunion

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Originally uploaded by sarahjanesetnes
This weekend Rob and I spent 14 hours in the car to attend the 18th Annual Setnes family gathering in Elbow Lake, MN. We traveled as far as Bloomington and rode the rest of the trip with Kris and Marie (which made an impossibly long trip much more possible :). The weekend was filled with relaxing and chatting and playing a couple games....oh and eating. We always do lots of eating. We started this gathering over Thanksgiving in 1990, but after a couple of snowy drives, the decision was made to move it back to October--but we still have our Thanksgiving dinner. It was great to see everyone and I look forward to gathering again next fall (even though it will be for Kayla's wedding and won't include turkey and least I don't think it will).

For more photos:

Fall Family Reunion Photos on Flickr

1 comment:

patresa hartman said...

mmm... turkey and stuffing. but no mmmm... on all the driving. that is anti-mmmmm.