Sunday, November 30, 2008

Merry Thanksgiving!

Well, we all know that Thanksgiving is the holiday that ushers in the Christmas season...which means that Thanksgiving sometimes gets ignored a bit. This year that happened even more so...partly because I got the stomach flu the day before Thanksgiving. We moved our Thanksgiving dinner to the Sunday after which we promptly received 4 inches of snow and blustery it just feels like Christmas--I started dragging out the holiday decorations and managed to get the stockings up and the mantle decorated. We had a great Thanksgiving meal; Rob's pie was excellent! I look forward to the leftovers. I do not, however, look forward to this next week of school. I have papers to grade and gradebook numbers to crunch...but in two weeks the semester is I suppose there is a little pinpoint of light at the end...way...way...down there. So to all of you: Happy Belated Thanksgiving! And a Happy Holiday Season!

1 comment:

patresa hartman said...

did you say grades?

aaaaaaack. i spit on grades.

(am currently taking a short break from marathon grading.)