Thursday, January 8, 2009

Where has my winter break gone!

Well I start school on Monday. I'm almost done revising my syllabi (I have a new textbook for Comp II so I had to change some things). So I'm almost ready for school to start...but man am I not ready for school to start. I had all of these notions about what I wanted to accomplish in my glorious month off...but it's dwindled to a meer three days and I haven't even finished taking down the Christmas decorations (though I am a firm believer that most of the decor should stay up until Three Kings Day/Epiphany...which was only two days ago).

I've been fighting this lingering phlegm fest of a minor cold this last week...not really sick, just annoying. Today I spent nearly two hours at my dentist where he was initially sure I would not need a root canal...and then by the end of the visit, he was sure I needed a root canal (of which I have to go to a specialist for because I have weird teeth...which means I have to wait for another two weeks to fix my toothache). Well atleast my dentist and I had a nice lengthy chat about the state of the American health care system while my novacaine was kicking in (My dentist really likes to talk's kind of weird...but in a good way :).

So I'm trying to decide which of my long list of things that I wanted to do I will actually try to accomplish in the next few days...I'm leaning toward taking the Christmas decorations down and doing very little else...I am on vacation...right?

1 comment:

patresa hartman said...


i'm so unbearably sad that vacation is ending. writing syllabi makes me weep.
